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6 Crystal Grid Templates Printables for Love, Protection, Healing

Crystal Grid Templates Printables

Whether you’re new to crystals or have been using them for years, crystal grids are a good way to amp up your energy and give you a spiritual boost.

When it comes to grids though, how do you make them?

There’s many ways to go about making a grid. We often suggest that the best way is to use your intuition. Sometimes you might need a little help though. And that’s what you’ll find day.

In this article we’re sharing 5 templates for various areas of life:

  • Crystal grid for love
  • Crystal grid for healing
  • Crystal grid for protection
  • Crystal grid for abundance
  • Crystal grid for manifestation
  • Crystal grid for spirit guide protection

REMEMBER: Crystal grids are not a replacement for evidence-based treatment or advice. Please seek out the relevant professional before turning to crystals. Stones are a spiritual tool that can be used alongside other solutions and treatments. Please always seek science-backed advice first.


What Stones Should I use for Crystal Grid Templates?

The stones you use for your crystal grid templates depend on the purpose and the stones you have.

For example, a crystal grid for protection may use protection stones like hematite and black obsidian. On the other hand, a crystal grid for manifestation may use pyrite or golden topaz.

Keep in mind that crystal grids have different types of crystals:

  1. Main stones (those most related to your crystal grid’s purpose)
  2. Supporting stones (other stones to support and makeup the grid)

You can make a crystal grid with just a few stones; however, these require a handful. If you don’t have enough stones, don’t worry. Follow the designs the best you can using what you have.

Although it’s ideal to use crystals with meanings related to the crystal grid purpose, again, use what you have. Consider that even rocks you find on the beach are very old and contain earthly energy. It all counts! Remember, the most important thing is your intention!


Crystal Grid Templates: 6 Printables

Crystal Grid Templates Printables

You can choose how you’d like to use our crystal grid templates.

You can place your crystals on the template and build your crystal grid directly on the paper. Or, you can simply use it as a guide on where to place your crystals.



Crystal Grid for Love

Crystal Grid Templates Printables Crystal Grid Templates Printables

This crystal grid for love is in the shape of a heart with an arrow through it. It’s perfect for any type of love: romantic, friendships, family or self-love! Remember to set your intention for what type of love you’re hoping to attract or improve.

Any crystal grids for love should focus around pink and green crystals because those are most related to the heart chakra. Most commonly and readily available, rose quartz is a great choice. Still, you can use any crystals for healing that you wish.

In my design, I used pink, purple and clear quartz for the heart. I used green for the arrow stem and two pointed crystals for the arrowhead.


Crystal Grid for Protection

Crystal Grid Templates Printables Crystal Grid Templates Printables

This crystal grid for protection is in the shape of a shield, ideal for shielding you against negative energies, psychic vampires, and more. If there’s a specific thing or situation you’re seeking protection against, make sure to set that intention.

For crystal grids for protection, it’s ideal to use black stones. That’s because they’re most related to the heart chakra. Options like hematite and black obsidian may be top choice. However, since intention is most important, feel free to use whichever crystals you have on hand. If you’re looking for ideas for protection crystals, read 13 Empath Protection Stones.

For my design, I used mostly black and clear quartz crystal to make the shield. In the center, I made the cross using 4 of my biggest stones. If you have large pointed crystals, this is the place to use them.


Crystal Grid for Abundance

Crystal Grid Templates Printables Crystal Grid Templates Printables

This crystal grid for abundance uses a tree to represent the growing gifts coming to you. The large crystals make up the base and the green crystals make up the branches.

You can use the crystal grid template as suggested, or you can make your own similar design. Start with the base of the tree, then make the main branches. Remember that, like gifts, branches grow off of each other, so make some using your smaller crystals.

Crystal grids for abundance can use any stones you have, although green or yellow stones are the most ideal. Yellow stones are thought to help you manifest, while green stones are connected to traditional ideas of abundance, like money and finances.


Crystal Grid for Manifestation

Crystal Grid Templates Printables Crystal Grid Templates Printables

This crystal grid for manifestation uses a magnet shape with two pointed crystal at the end to help you attract the positive. Like a magnet, the idea is that this grid helps draw you to opportunities to manifest your goals.

Crystal grids for manifestation can use any stones you’d like. To choose which stones are best, think about what you’d like to manifest. For example, if you want to manifest love, pink crystals are ideal. If you want to manifest money, green crystals are ideal. In general, yellow crystals are connected to manifestation. And so are purple ones because they’re connected to your spirit and your higher self.


Crystal Grid for Healing

Crystal Grid Templates Printables Crystal Grid Templates Printables

This crystal grid for healing is in the shape of a butterfly. Like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, so too can you transform your hurt. The idea is that this grid helps pain dissipate as you let it in the energy of healing love.

For crystal grids for healing, pink and green crystals are ideal. That’s because they’re most connected to the heart chakra, often the center of emotional pain.

Although you might not guess, black crystals are another color ideal to use in a healing grid. Since they’re thought to help neutralize negative energy, they can help create the safe space you need for healing. However, you can use whichever crystals you’re drawn to and may facilitate healing.


Crystal Grid for Spirit Guides

Crystal Grid Templates Printables Crystal Grid Templates Printables

This crystal grid helps you connect with your spirit guides and draw their energy into your day-to-day life. It’s in the shape of a human with arms and legs with 3 large crystals above the head area. These represent your guide’s connection to spirit.

For this spread, try using whichever crystals you’re drawn to. If you wish, ask your spirit guide to help you choose. Since this crystal grid deals with connection, purple crystals are a good idea since they’re connected to the top chakras.

In my spirit guide crystal grid, I used mainly pink and purple crystals to symbolize love and the third eye chakra.


Summary: Crystal Grid Printables

These grids are ideal to help you spiritually in several areas of life. Whether it’s romance, manifestation, spiritual connection and more, you’ll find a crystal grid template appropriate for your situation. Use these crystal grid printables how you wish. Lay your crystals on top or simply use it as placement/design guidance. Use the crystals suggested or follow your own intuition. Remember that the only rule is that your intention is the most important!

Just Like Home Box: DIY Gift Going Away, Military Care Package

diy gift going away military long distance away from home

This is the perfect gift for anyone who’s away from home.

Whether a romantic partner, parent or friend, they’ll appreciate this homemade, heartfelt present.

All you’ll need is a box, papers and a few supplies to decorate it with.

The best part is that it can be customized according to the person. Write your memories and thoughts and include pictures or trinkets from home.

You can make it for a family member in the military or working away from home, a friend going away to college, or your partner in a long distance relationship.

DIY Just Like Home Box

Here’s how to make a “Just Like Home Box” for the special person in your life.

Step One: Decorate lid with tape. Write or paint “Just Like Home Box” on the left side. On the right side, write or paint this poem:

“When family seems so far away

And all you can think about is the pay

Open this box to feel a little more at home,

Remember we love you and you’re not alone.”

diy gift going away military long distance away from home

Step Two: Run decorative tape along the side.

diy gift going away military long distance away from home

Step Three: Fill box with written messages, photos and trinkets (see section below).

diy gift going away military long distance away from home

What to Put Inside Box: DIY Gift Going Away

What should you fill your DIY going away gift with? Here are a few ideas.

  • Written Messages. Ideas include memories, things you love about them, what you miss about them, positive words of encouragement, etc.
  • Photos. Photos of family, pets, things they love from home
  • Trinkets. Any small trinkets that remind them of home, you or family.

DIY Gift Going Away / Gift Military

Here’s how to make this easy yet meaningful DIY away from home gift or military gift.

Just Like Home Box DIY Gift

Perfect for those away from home, in the military, long distance relationships and more.
Keyword: diy gift away from home, diy gift going away, diy gift long distance, diy gift military


  • Decorative tape
  • Box
  • Marker or paint
  • Paper + pen (or printer)
  • Photos


  • On the box lid, stick decorative tape down the middle.
  • On the left side, paint or use a marker to write the title “Just Like Home Box.”
  • On the right side, paint or use a marker to write the Just Like Home poem (found in this article).
  • Around the sides of the box, run decorative tape.
  • Gather a list of messages and write or print them on small pieces of paper. Fold up and put pieces into box.
  • Fold photos in half and put into box.

61 Journal Prompts for Anxiety: For Calm, Insight & Expression

Journal Prompts for Anxiety

What are you anxious about right now?

That’s just one example of a journal prompt for anxiety that you can use to improve your mood.

These phrases provide direction for your journaling. They can provide insight, help you express your emotions and help you feel better.

Keep reading to learn research on journaling for anxiety and discover x mental health prompts.


What Are Journal Prompts for Anxiety?

Journal prompts are short phrases or questions that help you know what to write.

Have you started journaling—or wanted to start journaling—but weren’t sure where to start. What do you write about? What are you supposed to say? Are you doing it right?

Journal prompts give you a clear purpose for writing.

A prompt is usually in the form of a phrase or question. An example of a journal prompt is, “

However, photos, quotes and other sources can also serve as writing inspiration.

Journal prompts for anxiety can help you work through those difficult thoughts and emotions. They can help you identify:

  • What anxiety emotionally and physically feels like
  • Coping mechanisms that work for you
  • Triggers

They can also help you get out your feelings onto paper. Whether or not we have a person to talk to, journaling can help us release difficult emotions. Often, we’ll write things we wouldn’t say or admit to another person, which can be cathartic.

Aside from taking a closer look at your anxiety, journal prompts can also help you focus on better things. For example, journaling about what you’re grateful for could help shift your mood from anxiety to gratitude.


Do Journal Prompts for Anxiety Work?

In general, journal prompts can help improve your anxiety and mental help. However, they’re not for everyone.

When or not journal prompts for anxiety work depend on multiple factors.

  • Severity of Anxiety. Those with clinical anxiety should consider seeing a therapist to address their mental health. While prompts can help, professional guidance is more important.
    If you enjoy journaling and it resonates with you, you’re more likely to find help from it. If it feels too forced, consider other anxiety coping mechanisms.
  • Prompt Type. Choose prompts that resonate with you. If a prompt makes you feel worse, don’t use it. For example, prompts that force positivity might not work when you’re at your lowest.

Many studies show the benefits of journaling on mental health.

A 2018 study showed nursing students who kept journals about their experience had less anxiety about their duties. Other research mirrors these findings, showing that journaling can decrease mental stress load.

When it comes to journal prompts for anxiety, there’s two main types. Both have shown to be beneficial for anxiety.

  1. Positive affect journaling (PAJ). One preliminary study showed that PAJ–AKA gratitude journaling—helped improve mental distress and well-being in patients with anxiety symptoms.
  2. Expressive journaling. In one study, researchers told participants to write about either their most stressful life event or an emotional neutral subject. Compared to those who wrote abut neutral subjects, those who expressively wrote about their stress has improved stress and immune function.


How to Use Journal Prompts for Anxiety

If you want to try journal prompts for anxiety, it’s a good idea to have a dedicated space to write. If you want to make it an ongoing practice, consider using a dedicated:

  • Journal or diary
  • Note file on your phone
  • Document file on your computer

Next, choose what type of anxiety writing prompt you want to start with.

  • Do you want to learn about your anxiety?
  • Do you want to express your emotions and get them out onto paper?
  • Do you want to shift perspectives in an effort to minimize anxiety?

Once you’ve chosen, scroll through the appropriate list below and select one that resonates with you. To get your hand flowing, write the prompt at the top of the page. Then let your response flow out. Although you may think deeply, think on paper, letting it all come out. Remember that there’s no right or wrong in journaling.

You can journal as often as you’d like. If you find that it helps your anxiety, try to make it a daily or weekly habit. Alternatively, you can turn to your journal prompts only in times of stress. Do what works for you or as is directed by your therapist.


61 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

Journal Prompts for Anxiety

These journal prompts for anxiety are broken up into 3 categories:

  1. Prompts for examining anxiety
  2. Prompts for expressing your anxiety
  3. Prompts for shifting your perspective


Examining Anxiety: 20 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

These journal prompts for anxiety can help you get clear on your feelings and thoughts. Why would you want to zoom in on anxiety? Doing so can help you learn about your triggers and identify what’s working and what’s not. In that process, you may uncover ways to feel better.

  1. What’s an activity you find soothing?
  2. What’s an activity you wish you could do more of?
  3. When does your anxiety come on?
  4. Describe a time you failed and how you overcame it.
  5. What’s something you didn’t think you could get through but you did? Recall the challenge, how you overcame it and how it felt to overcome
  6. What strategies have you used in the past to cope with anxiety? List the strategy and recall if/how each worked.
  7. What makes you feel confident?
  8. What makes you feel prepared?
  9. What are some unhelpful things you do to cope with anxiety?
  10. Write down your top 3-5 causes of anxiety.
  11. How can you take better care of yourself when you have anxiety?
  12. What are some self-care habits you’ve been meaning to do or try?
  13. Do you notice more anxiety a certain time of day, day of the week, or time of year?
  14. Brainstorm ways to add more laughter into your life.
  15. Brainstorm ways to add more fun into your life.
  16. Brainstorm ways to practice more self-compassion
  17. What advice would a loving friend give you in this situation?
  18. How can you say “no” more often to things you don’t want to do?
  19. How can you say “yes” more often to things you want to do?
  20. Write down your top worries and describe whether they’re realistic.


Expressive Prompts: 20 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

Anxiety is a hard thing to hold in the body. Let’s write it out.

Research shows that writing about stressful events—aka expressive writing—can help you improve your mood and more.

  1. Describe 3 things that scare you.
  2. What are your biggest criticisms about yourself?
  3. Describe how you’re feeling in this present moment.
  4. List all your current worries and anxieties (all of them!)
  5. Spill it. What went wrong today?
  6. What’s causing you emotional pain?
  7. Who are you angry at right now?
  8. What’s aching on your heart right now?
  9. List all the “what ifs” currently circling your brain
  10. Describe a time someone hurt you and how it made you feel.
  11. Describe your biggest heartache
  12. Describe one thing you wish would change
  13. What are you afraid of failing at?
  14. What are you most upset about right now?
  15. The last time I cried was about…
  16. Do you have any regrets, if so, what?
  17. Find and write down 5 quotes relatable to your feeling (Pinterest is good for quotes!)
  18. Search for an image that represents how you feel. Describe the image.
  19. If you answered “how are you” honestly, what would you say?
  20. Rate your mental health on a scale of 1-10. Describe why you chose that number.


Gaining Perspective: 21 Journal Prompts for Anxiety

When we’re in the midst of anxiety, sometimes it’s all we can see. Even though we want to see the good, it feels physically impossible.

It’s important to feel your emotions. Toxic positivity is a bad thing.

With that being said, there’s a time and place for shifting focus. When we gain perspectives, it can help us feel better about our situation. Or, at least, help us forget about it for a moment.

If these prompts feel forced and make you feel bad, don’t use them. But if you want to see if it will help you shift focus, give them a try.

As we described above, consider that positive affect journaling can help those with anxiety symptoms.

  1. What are you really proud of overcoming?
  2. What are 3 things you’re grateful for today?
  3. Describe one of your happiest life events or moments in detail.
  4. List all the nice things people have said about you, big and small.
  5. Write down all the traits you value about yourself.
  6. Describe something you’re looking forward to.
  7. Describe your favorite scent.
  8. Describe one thing that made you smile today.
  9. Write a glowing profile of someone you love and are grateful for.
  10. List all your pet’s best attributes
  11. What’s your favorite quote?
  12. What’s your top goal? Describe how you’ll feel once you’ve achieved it.
  13. What’s your proudest accomplishment?
  14. Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself.
  15. Describe your favorite place in the world
  16. Describe somewhere you plan on visiting.
  17. Describe 3 of your most meaningful belongings.
  18. Describe the best gift you’ve ever received.
  19. Recall the nicest thing someone’s done for you.
  20. Describe your perfect day.
  21. Scroll through your phone until you find a pic that makes you smile. Describe the picture.

Summary: Journal Prompts for Anxiety

Journal Prompts for Anxiety

Journal prompts for anxiety are a good idea to try for anyone who is having trouble managing difficult emotions. Research shows that journaling can improve mental health and even your physical health too. But remember, not every coping mechanism is right for everyone. If journaling is making you feel worse or just isn’t for you, don’t sweat it. Try a different anxiety relief method instead. Whether or not you deal with clinical anxiety, it’s a good idea to talk to a therapist about your emotions.


Journal Prompts for Anxiety

How Long for No Contact: Full Guide on Easily Letting Go

how long no contact

You’re trying to break a bond with someone and you know you need to stop talking to them.

But how long for no contact to work? You might see varying suggestions online, so how do you know which to follow or what will work for you?

If you’re dealing with outside influences, you might be experiencing a narcissist reaction to no contact.

In this guide, we’re covering everything you need to know about the no contact rule. We’ll discuss why it’s helpful and the 3 stages to success. Finally, we’ll explain why the “how long for no contact” question will have a different answer by person.


What is the No Contact Rule?

The no contact rule is exactly what it sounds like—a rule that you contact someone for a certain period of time. This is usually a person who is toxic in your life and who you feel a strong pull toward. This could be an ex romantic partner, friend or even family member.

No contact includes no method of communication. No texting, calling, emailing, or Facebook messaging. Forget carrier pigeons too. This also includes not trying to bump into your ex in person. If you do accidentally bump into them, you can make small talk and be kind, but don’t linger. Treat them more as an acquaintance than a friend until your feelings have died down.

Although keeping no contact can be difficult, the goal is that we release attachment from them. After that period, we’ll be less affected by them. At that time, we can reevaluate whether we’d like them in our lives to a lesser extent or not at all.

Think about it like breaking an addiction cold-turkey. Actually, that’s what science actually shows. Research has linked break up cravings to the same areas of the brain that are activated in drug addiction. Like any addiction, the automatic want can be broken with time.

No contact can last for a week, a few months or a year. In some situations, it doesn’t ever end. As opposed to one standard “no contact rule,” you should customize it to what’s healthy for you.


3 Stages: How to Go No Contact

how long for no contact

There’s a few stages to go no contact.


#1 Preparation

The first step to going no contact is setting yourself up for success. Consider where you have connections with them and change it up.

  • Delete them off all social media— Yep, everything. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Possibly block them— if you can’t trust yourself to not cyber stalk them, block them. Research shows that checking up on an ex online is associated with distress. (Read: The Science Of Facebook Breakup Creeping: 7 Secret Facts).
  • Delete their number— It’s going to be hard to text them if you don’t have their number. Also, stop being sneaky, don’t write down their number “just in case” before you delete it.
  • Get rid of their things— You don’t want an excuse to contact them or for them to contact you. Give them their stuff ASAP. If you need to, leave it outside their home so you don’t need to speak with them.
  • Consider telling them— Let’s say you’ve been chatting with your ex daily since the breakup. It’s a good idea to tell them you plan to go no contact. You don’t want them filing a missing person’s report or worrying them. Be kind and explain that you need to stop communicating for your own healing. On the other hand, if the silence is assumed, you won’t need to tell them.
  • Get rid of memories— Getting rid of memories isn’t necessary for no contact. But it’s a good idea that will prepare you to withstand the pain of the last stage. If you don’t have triggers to think of them, you’ll be less likely to want to contact them.
  • Consider re-routing— Is there a place where you’re likely to bump into them? Consider changing your routine around them. Go to a different coffee shop or grocery store for your no contact period.


#2 No-Contact

The second step is to avoid and ignore communication.

From your end, you’ll need to avoid reaching out through any method. If you share common locations, stick to your plan to reroute.

If the person reaches out to you, don’t text back or pick up their calls. If there’s a reason you must contact the person over some things (i.e. kids or work), remind them to only talk to you about those things.

#3 Fighting Contact Urges

No contact is an effective way to get over someone. Instead of slowly weaning yourself off of someone, a blunt cut can get the job done quicker. Also, a slow drop of communication might not work at all. You could end up getting back with them or remaining separated with enhanced feelings—creating agony.

Still, this doesn’t mean no contact is easy. The fact we have to do it implies it will be difficult. Think about it: if we didn’t have a bond with a person, we could cut easily and not think about it. We wouldn’t have to go no contact.

When it gets tough and you really want to contact the person, have a list of tools available. Perhaps you text someone else, “window shop” on your dating app, read a book, scroll TikTok, etc. Have a list of distractions prepared.

Also, consider what’s causing the craving. Get real about it. Is it boredom? Consider a hobby. Is it a need to be social? Hang out with a friend. Are you secretly attempting a booty call? Get busy with yourself. Are you getting emotional and miss them? Have a cry session with your mom or write in a journal.


How Long for No Contact?

Ultimately, it’s up to you how long you want to go no contact. If you research other people’s suggestions, they will all vary. Instead of relying on someone else’s advice, consider your own situation.

There’s a few factors in how long you go no contact for:

  • The level of attachment—If you have a strong attachment to them, it will probably be harder to break. This usually requires more time with no contact to get over them.
  • Your personal level of attachment— Along with your attachment to the person, you should also consider your personal attachment level to others. What’s your attachment style? Anxious people who crave attachment might take longer to detach than someone with an avoidant attachment style.
  • How manipulative they were— If a person is manipulative, they might be able to convince you to get back with them. If that’s true, no contact should stay for longer so you’re less likely to be swayed by their charm.
  • How much you love them— If you love someone, you can let them go, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. These are the hardest relationships to get over. That requires more space. A summer fling might not need as long.
  • How attached the other person is— While we’re busy thinking about how we feel, we must consider how the other person feels about us. Even if they were the ones to call it quits, they might be more attached to us. This should factor into your decision. No contact for 1 month might work for you, but could be too short for your ex or friend.

Consider the combination of these factors. How long for no contact with this in mind? Would a shorter or longer period be more appropriate?


No Contact Shorter than 1 Month or Shorter

No contact for one month or shorter probably isn’t a good idea. The aim behind this rule is that you break a habit a bond. A mere 30 days may not be long enough for that to happen.

Consider another thing: are you choosing a shorter period of no contact so you can talk to them sooner? If so, that’s a pretty good sign you should actually choose a longer no contact period.

In some situations though, a shorter no contact period could be appropriate. For example, let’s say you dated someone you liked, but didn’t super like. After breaking up, you’re bummed, but not super bummed. Taking some space before talking again is a good idea, but you might not need months because the connection isn’t that deep. Remember to consider how attached the other person is though.


No Contact for 2 Months

A common suggestion is to go no contact for 2 months or 60 days. This is a lengthy enough period that you’ll get used to day to day life without them. That’s 8 weeks—or 8 weekends—without your ex, best friend, etc.

Are you someone who has a “mild” time getting over people? This might be the right length of time to choose. Or, if the relationship was shorter or less deep, 2 months may be appropriate.

No contact for 2 months could also be the right choice if you need to talk to the person. For example, let’s say that, inconveniently, your ex is your co-worker. Although you can go months without speaking to them, it’s not ideal for the workplace or your job. In this case, 2 months can be enough to get you started, but not enough to affect the workplace permanently.

If you have kids with your ex, no contact for 2 months might be the most realistic. Although you’d like to go longer, you might need to attend shared events for the sake of your children.

Again, the key here is to be honest with yourself. Do you actually need to talk to them? Or are you making up excuses to talk? Sometimes, we may even make up excuses subconsciously. For example, let’s say that you never used to attend your child’s hockey game because your partner goes. But now you want to join in to. Is your new urge really about your child or is it about your ex?


No Contact 3 Months

No contact for 3 months is a good idea for many long-term relationships. A deeper connection means that you’ll want more time to break the bonds. Any communication with them during this time can give you hope or re-infuse the love.

If you’re recently out of a long-term relationship where you loved each other, consider waiting about 3 months before trying to become friends. Even though you may be amicable, you don’t want to chance getting into each other’s pants again. You need to start seem them in a new light; as a friend instead of a romantic partner.

If you’ve recently broken up with your best friend, you probably want to wait a few months before inviting her in even as an acquaintance. It can be hard to break the connection between two good friends, especially if you’ve known each other for a long time. Yet, if it’s the healthy thing to do, a no contact 3 months rule might be the best way to do it.


No Contact 1 year

When considering how long for no contact, remember there’s no maximum length.

The option of a no contact 1 year goal is great for those who are deeply heartbroken. If you’re someone like me, you love hard. That means connections are harder to break, even when it’s the right thing to do. No contact for 2 months doesn’t really work for us. Our feelings are so strong that even one conversation can bring back the memories. Sometimes, this can lead to us getting back with our exes. But then we need to deal with the disappointment all over again.

Sensitive souls often require a no contact rule of at least one year. This is also true for deep, meaningful relationships. For example, maybe you normally get over people quickly, but since you really loved this person, you’re having a horrible time with it. This typically translates into a longer no contact rule.

No contact for 1 year is also an appropriate option if you’ve been lifelong friends with someone and are cutting them off. Since they’ve been there through the cycles of life, you might want at least one round around the sun to release those.


No Contact Forever

Some situations are so deep or toxic that no contact shouldn’t be a rule, it should be a lifestyle. Cutting someone off doesn’t need to be a short-term habit, it can be a long-term practice.

Turning down their calls, ignoring texts and avoiding their favorite places might need to become a way of life. This is a good idea for someone who hurt you so badly that even the sight of them is painful. Other times, the person might have been abusive or toxic. If someone is manipulative, staying away from them forever could be the best choice

You don’t need to start no contact with the goal of forever. Maybe you only plan on avoiding them for 2 months but you feel so much better that you want to prolong it. Do what feels right for you.


Narcissist Reaction to No Contact

When considering how long for no contact, remember that it’s your decision. Another person’s attachment to you may prolong the no communication period. However, it should never shorten it if it’s against your needs.

If you’re trying to take space from someone and they’re convincing you to shorten the period, stand your ground. This is your life. You know what’s healthy and what relationships you need.

This is often a narcissist reaction to no contact. Normal people might not agree with your decision to go with no contact, but they should ultimately respect you. The narcissist doesn’t. They will try to manipulate you into have a shorter period of no contact or forgoing it altogether.

They will protest the idea of communicating less, blaming you. When you outline the benefits of logical reasons, they can’t come to terms with the facts. More importantly, they don’t care about how you feel. They don’t want you to break your bond because they want to keep manipulating you.

In these times, they might gaslight you into thinking no contact is a bad idea. Or that the reason you need to do it is your fault. Gaslighting can be confusing, so try to remain firm in your decision to no contact this person. You can get closure without communication.


Summary: How Long for No Contact, 3 Months? 1 Year?

Going no contact is a good method to help you get over someone and sever a bond, whether a friend or ex romantic partner. This period requires you to avoid all communication, even when it becomes difficult.

The no contact rule should be amended to what you feel is right for you. Many wonder, “how long for no contact to work?” But the truth is that it depends on you and your situation. Use the tips above to evaluate how long you should go no contact for. If you’re having trouble choosing how long the period should be, it might be the narcissist reaction to no contact. Remember that this is your personal decision to make.

how long for no contact


17 Relatable Signs of an Empath: What Is An Empath Person?

empath signs

Feeling for others. Taking on problems as their own. Becoming engulfed in another’s emotions.

If you can relate, you might be an empath.

Empaths are sensitive people with a strong sense of empathy, often leading to a higher sense of intuition. With this, they have many gifts to offer. On the downside, it can come with challenges too.

In this article, we’re going over what an empath person is and how to know if you’re an empath. See if you can relate to our list of 17 characteristics of an empath.


What is An Empath Person? Meaning of Empath

Before we get into the signs, you might be wondering “what is an empath person?”

The term empath is derived from the word empathy. Empathy means to be sensitive to the experiences or feelings of others. Someone who has empathy can sense and imagine what another is feeling.

Research divides empathy into two types: Affective and Cognitive. Affective empathy can mean mirroring what another is feeling. For example, getting sad when your friend is sad. On the other hand, cognitive empathy means that you can understand another’s emotions. For example, you’re able to look beyond yourself and into another’s perspective.

Most people have empathy. Some people have a lot. Some people have a little.

Now that we’ve covered what empathy is, what’s the meaning of empath people?

The term “empaths” relates to people who experience a lot more empathy than the average person. (Pronounce empath: em-path).

The idea of empath sprouted in 1956 in science-fiction literature. The story “The Empath” was about paranormal beings who were empathic. After references in other media, it became known as a term for people who experience high amounts of empathy.

To put it simply, empaths are highly in tune with the emotions of those around them.  It’s one of the main characteristics of an empath. They can relate to being highly sensitive, having strong empathy and caring deeply about others. In these ways, empaths can be seen as a way to describe a group of people with a set of personality traits.

Empaths are also related to metaphysical topics. Since empaths have strong sensitivity, they are known to have good intuition. This can make them excellent healers and psychics. Since they are perceptive, they often also have a love of otherworldly things or topics. Empaths might be drawn to religion, astrology, paranormal phenomenon or self-help.

Psychologically, empath traits may develop from adverse experiences during childhood. If a child grows up heavily aware of other’s emotions, needs and reactions, their sensitivity may be stronger than others. Although you can be an emotionally healthy empath, it’s often tied to issues related to co-dependency. For these reasons, it can be helpful to work through the challenges of being an empath with a therapist.


Empath Skills and Challenges: How to Know You’re An Empath

Signs of an Empath

To fully understand what an empath is, it’s critical to understand the gifts and challenges that come along with it.

While empaths can make excellent healthcare practitioners or spiritual healers, they shouldn’t be thought of as magical beings. Like everyone, empaths have their challenges. Being one doesn’t mean you’re enlightened and perfect. It means you have gifts, and with that, a different set of challenges.

Empath skills can help us in day-to-day life. However, it can also make situations and people more difficult to deal with.

Empath Skills

Having strong empathy can have a lot of upsides. Empath skills include:

  • Having a sense of what’s coming next in a situation (intuition)
  • Having an accurate sense about other people (intuition)
  • Potential for excellent communication
  • Can understand other’s easily
  • Easier problem solving because you can see both sides
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Natural caregiver
  • Creativity
  • Great listeners
  • Inspired to create change
  • Giving people
  • Driven to philanthropy
  • Feeling moved by political uprisings or social causes
  • Healing energy (natural therapist)

Empath Challenges

Empaths’ strong sensitivity can bring along a host of challenges too:

  • Anxiety or problems with depression
  • Prone to stress
  • Prone to co-dependency
  • Take on other’s issues as their own, which may annoy others
  • Trouble setting boundaries
  • Feel drained by others quickly
  • Feeling upset by world events
  • Sensitive to negative emotions of others
  • Shy away from criticism or confrontation
  • Tendency for overwhelm
  • Putting their own needs last
  • Empath vs narcissist problems- narcissist thrive off of the positive traits an empath offers
  • Empath relationship problems- can be hard to meet people or form meaningful relationships, but connections are deep when they happen

Not every person will experience every empath skill or challenge. Rather, like anyone, empaths should aim to worth through their challenges so they can benefit from their natural skills.


17 Signs You’re an Empath: Characteristics of An Empath

Signs of an Empath

If you’re reading this, you might be wondering how to know if you’re an empath. Whether or not people are familiar with the term, these type of people share similar traits.

You may find it helpful to read through these signs you’re an empath. Do you relate? Do they describe you?

Not every empath will relate to every sign. Some will nod their head to more signs than others. There’s no specific empath test.

While reading these characteristics of an empath, try to be as honest with yourself as possible. If you genuinely relate to many, you may be an empath. If you relate to only a few, it’s possible you have strong empathy but may not be an empath.

#1 Strong Empathy

The most important trait of an empath is strong empathy. Compared to the average person, they are better able to understand and feel the emotions of others. This can make you more sensitive to other’s needs. They can also usually accurately predict what someone is feeling.

For example, let’s say your friend is going through a breakup or divorce. Most people would feel empathy. If you’re an empath, you might feel more intensely. This could make you better predict your friend’s needs, like a shoulder to cry. It could also mean taking on her emotions, like starting to feel depressed yourself.

#2 Mirror Other’s Emotions

Besides having empathy, an empath can start to take on another’s emotions. Instead of just knowing your coworkers is stressed, you become stressed to. This can be overwhelming. It can also be hard to tell what are your emotions and what are another’s.

#3 You Care A Lot

Compared to others, if you’re an empath, you might notice you care a lot. About a lot of things.

You care about your relationships and you might wonder why others don’t exhibit the same amount of thought. You care about injustices. You care about the rude comment someone made to the cashier. Or that your friend littered instead of using the garbage can.

People might love you for caring a lot—it makes a good friend and loving partner. But they might also dislike you for it, especially if it interferes with their carelessness.

#4 Mirror Another’s Physical Problems

Some empaths can also mirror another’s physical pains or problems. It’s one of the most common signs of an empath.

For example, if your friend complains of a headache, your head might begin throbbing. Although this might sound impossible, consider the brain-body connection—even the placebo effect can create physical changes.

#5 You Naturally Consider Other’s Perspectives

Some people need to make a conscious effort to understand what another person is going through. Empaths usually don’t. They just get it.

They can imagine the perspectives of others and where they’re coming from, even if they don’t agree with it. They go beyond the surface to understand what’s beneath it or what has caused it. For example, someone may see a kid acting out in anger. An empath might sense troubles at home, or bullying at school, leading the child to act out.

#6 People Confide In You

Because of your strong empathy, people often go to empaths when they’re going through a hard time. They make excellent natural therapists because they’re good listeners who are ready to lend a shoulder to cry on.

Empaths might also relate to people opening up quickly to them. Strangers can be more likely to tell them their life stories. People sense that empaths are a safe, non-judgmental space to air their thoughts.

#7 Trouble Yet Strong Need for Boundaries

As mentioned above, people are naturally drawn to an empath’s energy. They’re usually giving, thoughtful, and willing to hear you out.

Of course, being the one everyone goes to can get exhausting. This is why empaths require boundaries, arguably more than the average person. The problem is that, compared to the average person, an empath can have trouble setting or keeping boundaries. Because they consider the thoughts and feelings of others, they can tend to downplay their own real need for boundaries.

#8 Moved By Social Causes

Empaths aren’t ones to turn down movements that expand inclusion. Since they better understand the experience of others, they’re often moved by social causes.

Whether it’s protesting, donating, volunteering or being a silent supporter, empaths rally for change.

#9 You Have Sensitive Senses

Like a highly sensitive person (HSP), one or more of your senses may be unusually strong. It can be one of the telltale signs of an empath.

You might enjoy good scents more than the average person. Or, you might be allergic to perfume. Other examples include avoiding loud venues, like concerts or being more sensitive or physical sensations.

#10 You Need Time Alone

Empaths value their time alone and it’s necessary for them to recharge. If they’ve been out with people all day, they will need a quiet evening in. For some, one social outing can be enough for the week or better.

#11 Your Feelings are Easily Hurt

Since empaths are sensitive people, they take what others have to say to heart. This can be difficult when there’s turmoil in relationships. Whereas some might let a rude comment roll off, it sticks with the empath, who can grow deeply hurt.

#12 Small Friend Groups

Empaths tend to have a few close friends rather than many distant ones. Since they thrive on meaningful relationships, they’re likely to draw close to those that are in their circle. Empaths are affected by the energy around them, which means they are usually mindful of the company they keep. Friends who create drama are unlikely to last (unless they have trouble setting boundaries).

#13 Intuition Empath Skills

Empaths have strong intuition. They can often sense what’s coming next, whether it’s a situation, conversation or relationship. You might also get gut feelings that lead you into the right direction or away from a wrong one.

You might also relate to reading people well. Without knowing someone, you may be able to get an accurate sense of them.

On a metaphysical level, empath intuition skills can make somoni a great psychic. Since your gift of intuition is already strong, harnessing it can make you feel spiritually connected.

On an earth level, empath’s intuition may have been developed by their strong sensitivity throughout childhood. This could make them more likely to pick up on subtle changes other miss. As years go by, this sensitive skill could develop into what we call intuition.

#14 Dislike Crowds

Empaths may dislike crowds for a number of reasons. Mainly, the energy can feel too intense, especially if there’s a negative emotion. They may be the type of people to avoid parties or dread large family gatherings.

#15 Closeness Can Feel Overwhelming

You might love intimacy and closeness, but there’s typically an adjustment period. You value your alone time and space, so when something changes that, like a new relationship, you might feel overwhelmed.

#16 You Feel Emotionally Overwhelmed

Empaths have a lot to deal with emotionally. First, they have their own emotions. Then, they have the emotions of others. Also, add in that they can be prone to mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

All of that can lead an empath to emotional overwhelm. They might often feel like there’s many feelings to manage.

#17 You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In

Empaths often feel like they don’t fit in. While others might enjoy being ‘different’ an empath might struggle with their differences. This can be especially true during school, where kids aren’t as sensitive as you. Or in work environments, where it’s hard to connect with others superficially.

Empaths might feel alone and isolated. They might struggle to go out and not become a hermit.

As they learn to use their gifts and work through their challenges, empaths realize they might not fit in. But they belong to something larger: The ecosystem of energy that keeps everything going. That could be God, the Universe, or whatever you want to call it. This realization leads many empaths to seek connection through spirituality.


Summary: Characteristics of An Empath Person

Signs of an Empath

To understand what an empath person is and to know if you’re an empath, it can be helpful to look at some of the common traits. In this article, we’ve listed the main characteristics of an empath.

Keep in mind that out of all the signs you’re an empath, you might relate to a lot or fewer. If you’re not sure whether you’re an empath, it can be helpful to think of empathy as a spectrum. Rather than being “empath” or “not an empath,” you might fall somewhere on the higher end of empathy. Rather than labels, the important thing is what you gain from learning about it. For example, if learning about empaths helps you better navigate challenges or boundary setting, keep reading. Do what works for you.

DIY Coasters from Cork

diy coasters cork

These cute DIY coasters are easy to make and fun to customize!

With a variety of designs and color combos, you can design a set to match your decor.

Ready to learn how to make these DIY coasters? Keep scrolling

Steps: DIY Cork Coasters

Hexagon Stencil: To make these DIY coasters, you’ll need a piece of cork (I used a cork pot mat from the dollar store). You’ll also need a hexagon stencil. If you don’t have a hexagon stencil, you can print one and trace around it. I used this printable and went into my print settings to adjust the custom scale percentage until I got a size I liked. I think I used around 75%.

diy coasters cork

Cut Hexagon Shapes Out of Cork: Trace around your stencil and cut the cork out using an X-Acto knife.

diy coasters cork

Tape Designs: Using tape will help you get clean, crisp edges. Apply it according to the designs you want to tape.

diy coasters cork

Paint: Paint the first and second blocked-off section. (For some designs, you’ll have to let the first color dry before reapplying the tape for the second color/shape.)diy coasters cork

How To DIY Coasters from Cork

DIY Coasters from Cork

These DIY cork coaster can be made with supplies from the dollar store.
Keyword: diy coasters, diy work coasters, dollar store crafts, dollarstore crafts, easy crafts


  • Piece of cork (I used a cork pot mat) (I used a cork pot mat)
  • Tape
  • X-Acto knife
  • Hexagon stencil (see article for printable link) (you can really use any shape you'd like though)
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes


  • Trace stencil around cork.
  • Use an Exacto knife to cut hexagon out.
  • Use tape to block off the first painting section.
  • Paint. If necessary, let dry, place tape again and paint second color. See pictures in post for various design ideas.


diy coasters cork

14 Best Crystals for Manifestation + How to Use Them

Crystals for Manifestation

Crystals are a spiritual tool that can help you manifest.

Whether you’re looking for crystals to manifest love or ones to help attract better finances or luck, we have you covered.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the best crystals for manifestation. To help you kickstart your attraction journey, we’ll also cover how to use crystals to manifest

REMEMBER: Crystals and manifesting are not a replacement for evidence-based treatment or advice. Please seek out the relevant professional before turning to crystals. Stones are a spiritual tool that can be used alongside other solutions and treatments. Always seek science-backed advice first.


How To Use Crystals To Manifest

Before we get into the best crystals for manifestation, what do you do with them?

If you’re new to stones, you’re probably wondering how to use crystals to manifest.

Using crystals to manifest is versatile. Here’s a few ideas:

  • Choose a jewelry piece with your specific stone for manifestation. Or, make your own jewelry using your crystals.
  • Intention setting. Have your crystals near you to help guide your intention setting. Read: How To Set An Intention For Manifestation
  • Create an altar for manifestation and use your chosen stones for manifestation.
  • Crystal Grid. A crystal grid is a powerful way to manifest. Choose stones related to your goal and lay out your stones. Read: DIY Crystal Grid For New Beginnings, Love, Money & More
  • Place your crystals on your body or beside you while you meditate.
  • If you don’t want to wear your crystals, you can still carry them with you. Keep stones for manifestation in your pocket, bra, wallet, purse, backpack, lunch bag, etc.
  • Crystals look beautiful and make cute decorative pieces. While others will notice the colorful design, they won’t know it’s working to manifest in the background. Place them on your desk, coffee table, shelves, counters, etc.
  • Near Vision Board. If you’ve made a vision board or goal book, keep a special crystal near it or even taped to the back.
  • Consider Goal. Be creative and brainstorm new ideas to use your crystals that relate to the goal you want to manifest. For example, if you want to manifest a new home, take it with you on viewings or beside your computer when you search listings.

There’s many ways to use crystals, so try what you’re drawn to and do what works for you.

We should also throw in a reminder to cleanse your crystals regularly so they’re ready for manifestation!


Best Crystals for Manifestation

Crystals for Manifestation

To choose the best crystals for manifestation, it’s important to consider what you’re trying to manifest. Your goal can help you determine which stones to use. For example, if you’re trying to manifest a new relationship, focus on crystals for manifestation love. Although you can use general manifesting stones, choosing a love-related one may strengthen your vibration.

#1 Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is one of the best crystals for manifestation. It’s related to the root chakra, making it an excellent choice for grounding, centering and realigning your energy. When you manifest, you want to try to let go of any limiting belief patterns.

Black obsidian can help us identify these negative thoughts. It can help usher out negative energy, leaving it clear for new energies to flow in. If you’re having trouble with negative thoughts related to your manifesting goal, this black stone might be a go-to.

#2 Hematite

Hematite is another crystal for manifestation that’s related to the root chakra. It’s powerful grounding energies can help you narrow in on what it is that you truly want. Coming at your goals with this renewed sense of focus can help you achieve them faster.

As a black crystal typically do, hematite helps clear negative energy. However, there’s another factor at play: our practical actions. A large part of manifestation is the ways we attempt to help ourselves. That is, the steps we take to manifest. Hematite can help us get clear on what those practical steps for manifestation should be.

According to Love Is In The Earth, hematite can be called a “stone for the mind” ass it helps you to “sort out” things mentally. This makes it one of the best crystals for manifestation to get clear on your priorities and desires.

#3 Pyrite

Pyrite, AKA “fool’s gold,” is an obvious choice for a manifestation crystal. With a gold-like appearance, it can be used to attract abundance. On a material level, pyrite can represent the increased income you want to manifest. This makes it a common stone for those who want better luck when it comes to their finances. However, it can also represent the riches in life, such as the joy of family, parenting, etc.

#4 Golden Topaz

Topaz comes in many colors that many help manifestation, depending on what you’re trying to manifest. Most specifically, yellow topaz is thought to be a top choice among crystals for manifestation.

Golden topaz can be used to attract people for friendships or business, according to Love Is In The Earth. Considering using golden topaz if you’re looking to expand your social circle and manifest a good group of like-minded individuals. Also, consider if to manifest business partners or mentors.

#5 Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the #1 stone suggested when it comes to love or manifesting love–and for a good reason. It’s pink hues make it connect to the heart chakra.

The gifts it can impart make it one of the best crystals for manifesting love of all types. Attracting a new relationship can be made easier with a rose quartz. It also is said to encourage self-love, an important aspect of any partnership. It can also help cultivate love in general, such as a loving spirit. If you’re working through anger and want to notice more joy, rose quartz is a manifestation stone to carry.

#6 Malachite

Malachite is another one of the best crystals for manifestation love. As a green color, it’s also related to the heart chakra, helping you open up and feel safe. It’s a good choice whether you’re trying to let go of a relationship or meet someone new.

In a non-romantic sense, it can be used to manifest love of life, love of work or loving friendships. Beyond love, Malachite is a great stone for manifestation for another reason. It’s green color can be related to money and abundance. It’s frequently used by those trying to attract better financial situations.

Love Is In The Earth refers to Malachite as the “stone of transformation,” aiding you to manifest a smooth life change.

#7 Green Aventurine

As a green stone, you may have guessed this stone is related to financial prosperity. Green aventurine is a great stone for manifestation that involves money or your work life.

Another aspect that green represents is luck. It can be great crystal to use if you feel like your luck has been down and you could use some help increasing future opportunities. Besides increasing possibilities, green aventurine is also tied to the heart chakra, making it another option for crystals for manifestation of love.

#8 Garnet

With its deep red color, garnet is a good stone for those wanting to manifest things related to health. As the color is similar to blood, garnet can be used to represent vitality and overall energy of the physical body.

It’s also known to be a stone of power. This makes it one of the best crystal for manifestation of matters surrounding personal identity, position or pride.

#9 Citrine

Citrine is one of the best crystal for manifestation of overall goodness. Its orange color connects it to happy and joyous vibrations. It’s a great choice for manifesting a happier energy, mood or situations. Since it’s a stone of abundance, it can help create in all areas of life. Abundance in your family, work, hobby or relationship life may all be helped with this crystal.

As a solar plexus stone, citrine can help you with issues surrounding self-confidence. It’s also known to relate to identity, making it a good crystal for those transitioning through life phases, reinventing themselves or struggling to define themselves. Citrine can help you manifest a healthier self-image, making you feel better and more secure in who you are.

#10 Carnelian

As an orange stone, like citrine, it’s also related to happiness and joy. That makes it a top crystal for those hoping to increase their enjoyment of life–whether in general or in a specific area.

Most commonly, carnelian is known as a stone of creativity. It can be a great stone for artists or anyone who creates (which is everyone, in some form!).

It’s another great choice for manifesting a deep sense of personal power and unshakeable confidence. As a side note, carnelian is also a good idea to keep around your other crystals for manifestation. According to Love Is In The Earth, it can help cleanse the negativity of other stones around it.

#11 Jade

Jade is a common stone for manifestation. With its green color, it’s a top choice for attracting money and luck.

For manifesting abundance, it can help attract wealth and show you more opportunities that will lead to financial reward.

It can also help attract luck in all areas of life. For example, if you’ve been unlucky in your love life, you can use jade to help unveil blocks or notice patterns. In turn, this can create better love luck.

#12 Amethyst

Although not traditionally thought of as a crystal for manifestation, Amethyst is a good choice depending on what you’re trying to attract. Since the stone carries a peaceful, soothing energy, it’s suitable for those wanting to usher in a more calm lifestyle.

For those suffering from anxiety, Amethyst can used alongside science-backed treatments to help manifest better mental health. As a purple stone, it’s also connected to the 6th and 7th chakras. This makes it one of the best stones for manifestation of spiritual matters, like intuition.

#13 Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is one of the best stones for manifestation because it relates to personal power. When you’re manifesting, it’s about taking the power within you and harnessing it to create, be open to and realize opportunities.

It can also help you understand the limiting beliefs that are getting in your way and impeding the attraction process. Also used as a creativity stone, it’s also a good choice if you’re trying to manifest something creative, such as for artists or in your hobby life.

#14 Clear Quartz

Finally, clear quartz can be a great addition to any set of crystals for manifestation. Clear quartz is known to amplify energies surrounding it. This can be either a positive or negative factor; but when it comes to manifestation, it’s a good thing! As you work to manifest to your goals, clear quartz can multiply that powerful energy, possibly helping you achieve them sooner.

Consider adding clear quartz to any crystal grid for manifestation. It will take on the energies of the surrounding stones and help burst them into the universe.


Summary: Best Crystals for Manifestation

Firstly, remember that crystals are never a replacement for science-backed treatments or expert advice. Rather, they’re a spiritual tool you can use to support other efforts.

If you’re looking for a way to support your manifestation efforts, try crystals. In this article, we’ve outlined the best crystals for manifestation. What are your top choices? Consider what you’re trying to manifest and consider crystals that align to that purpose. As always, remember to do what’s right and what works for you. Although we’ve provided suggestions here, you might be drawn to other crystals for manifestation, and those can work too!

Crystals for Manifestation

14 Best Crystals for Empaths: Grounding, Protection, Intuition + More

Best Crystals for Empaths

Looking for a crystal to help you as an empath?

Crystals for empaths can help ground us, provide protection and encourage us to hold our boundaries.

If you’re looking for which stones you should try out first, keep reading. In this guide, we’re sharing x best crystals for empaths.

Also Read: 13 Crystals for Empath Protection

REMEMBER: Crystals aren’t a replacement for medical care, mental health care or professional advice. Always seek evidence-based advice or care first. Crystals are a spiritual tool to be used alongside science-backed solutions.


14 Best Crystals for Empaths

Best Crystals for Empaths

These are the best crystals for empaths whether you’re looking to clear your energy, increase your intuition or just feel happier.

#1 Amethyst

Amethyst is said to be a great stone that helps cleanse your energy, which empaths need since they tend to pick up other’s energies. Even having amethyst in your home can work to clear energy you bring in.

Amethyst is also known for its calming qualities. Since many empaths experience anxiety, it can be a good stone to choose for a daily necklace or ring. This way, you can experience its soothing effects at all times.

Yet another reason it’s one of the best crystals for empaths is because it can help connect you to spirit. As a purple stone, it’s connected to both the third eye and crown chakra.

#2 Hematite

Hematite should be one of the first stones in the empath crystal toolkit. This metallic stone reflects light, similar to a mirror. Empaths can use its mirror-like qualities to reflect back any negative energies. Instead of absorbing a friend’s emotion, it reflects the energy back to them, shielding your mood.

Hematite is also a great crystal for grounding. Since empaths need to be grounded to feel their best, this stone encourages you to reconnect.

#3 Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a great stone for empaths for many reasons. We’ve included it as a crystal for empath protection because of its guarding qualities. It can help repair energetic imbalances by ushering out energies that aren’t yours.

It’s also related to the throat chakra. Many times, empaths have a hard time holding their boundaries. Lapis Lazuli encourages you to hold your boundaries, even when it’s uncomfortable.

This empath crystal is also thought to help you connect to higher realms. For empaths interested in developing their psychic skills, it’s also a great stone to work with.

#4 Agate

Agate is a great calming crystal that’s thought to be an overall stabilizer. Whether it’s mood or a busy life, agate encourages a soothing energy.

This is another one of the crystals for empaths that grounds us and provides the stability we need to feel safe. There’s many different colors and types of agate, eat imparting a different benefit to the empath. For example, perhaps the softest energy and most calming version of agate is blue lace agate.

#5 Smokey Quartz

While clear quartz might amplify energies, smokey quartz helps neutralize them. It can help weaken negative energies and as a root chakra stone, it also has grounding qualities.

Smokey quartz is a great option for crystals or empaths because it can help soothe the difficult emotions of depression and negativity.

#6 Malachite

Malachite is a crystal known to help ward off negative energies. As an empath protection stone, it’s a good idea to carry around in situations where you know it will be hard to disconnect from others.

It’s a beautiful green stone that can help empaths increase their intuition. Malachite is a wise stone that can help enhance spiritual growth.

#7 Green Aventurine

Green aventurine is another common stone that can be a good crystal for empaths. Its green color is related to the heart chakra, which can help you open up to feelings of self-love and confidence.

Green aventurine can also propel you to have the courage necessary to keep the boundaries you’ve laid out. This strong sense of confidence can make an empath feel empowered.

#8 Citrine

Citrine may not seem like one of the best stones for empaths, but it’s an unsuspecting choice with some great qualities. As a yellow stone, it’s said to impart happiness and positivity. Since empaths are often picking up and are affected by others, it can take a drain on your emotions. Citrine provides a warm joy that is said to be uplifting. It can also help the empath be optimistic, which can be tough when negative emotions are taking over.

Another reason citrine is an empath crystal is because it stands for personal power. Empaths, although very inside themselves, can get lost in the lives and energies of others. Being confident in your personal power allows you to speak your truth and hold your boundaries without feeling guilty.

#9 Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is one of the best stones for empaths. This affordable and readily available stone is known to be the crystal of love. It can help with all matters concerning the heart.

As an empath crystal, it’s particularly good for self-love. They might see the good in others, but empaths can be hard on themselves. Rose quartz lends a helping hand in encouraging you to have self-compassion and a healthy confidence.

Although empaths usually don’t have a hard time giving love, they can have a difficult time receiving it. Rose quartz can help empaths open their heart and feel safe receiving love in its many forms.

#10 Angelite

Angelite has both a beautiful name and appearance. As a light blue stone, you can probably guess it imparts a calm and sensitive energy. Out of all the crystals for empaths, it’s lesser talked about but can have a variety of advantages.

Besides being calming, this stone is connected to the throat chakra and can help communication. This can be critical for the empath, who has a hard time communicating their needs.

It’s also connected to the third eye and crown chakras. This makes it a great empath stone for connecting with higher realms and developing your intuition.

#11 Moonstone

Moonstone is known to be connected to the moon, feminine energy and intuition. Empaths are often naturally intuitive and moonstone can help you elevate your skill and take it to the next level. It can also help you discern how to use your intuition. Like a mother, it provides a gentle guidance on your intuitive journey. Moonstone is also one of the best crystals for empaths because it helps stabile your mood. Whether you suffer from anxiety, are prone to negative thinking or have picked up negative energies, moonstone can help balance those out.

#12 Lepidolite

Lepidolite is another purple crystal that’s ideal for anxiety and stress. Whether it’s your own emotions or another’s, empaths may feel soothed when a lepidolite is near.

Even if you’re a generally calm person, this lavender-colored stone can help usher in a spiritual serenity. Connected to the third eye and crown chakra, it’s also great for intuitive empaths who are looking for stones that encourage higher connection.

#13 Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a root chakra stone, which makes it great for grounding and stability. As a crystal for empaths, it helps protect you from energies. It can also be used to help clear your energy field.

#14 Blue Kyanite

Blue kyanite is a great empath stone for those who want to develop their intuition. It can help improve your vibrations, allowing you to connect spiritually.

Although it’s connected to the higher chakras, its rich blue color also make it ideal for working on the throat chakra. Saying how you feel and being direct can be hard lessons for an empath that blue kyanite may help with.

#15 Sodalite

Sodalite is another dark blue stone that can be one of the best crystals for empaths. Because it’s thought to help with clear thinking, it can help empaths come to a decision that’s rational. Sometimes, it can be difficult for empaths to assess this analytical part of themselves when they’re wrapped up in other energies. Sodalite helps slow down your thinking and bring order.

Another reason why it’s a great empath stone is that it’s connected to the throat chakra, helping you to voice your true opinions and thoughts. Also known as an intuitive stone, it’s a great one to have around if you’re trying to hone your psychic abilities.


How to Use Crystals for Empaths

Best Crystals for Empaths

Once you’ve picked the crystals you want to use, how do you use them?

  • Display them. The easiest way to use your crystal is to simply display it somewhere. Whether it’s on your desk, book shelf, coffee table, etc. Think about where you need the crystal’s help the most.
  • Keep it on you. Simply keep your crystal on you. In your pocket, purse, wallet or bra are all good places.
  • Wear it. You can choose a jewelry piece with a specific stone, or you can make a DIY crystal jewelry piece.
  • Meditate with your crystal to connect with it. Since meditation is also beneficial for empaths, it can double the benefits.

Looking for more Empath Crystals? Read 13 Crystals for Empath Protection


Summary: Best Crystals for Empaths

These best crystals for empaths can be used to make living as an empath easier. Whether you wear your stone, keep it in your pocket or display it on your desk, it’s worth seeing how stones may improve your life. The empath crystals above can help empaths from many aspects. Whether it’s holding your boundaries or warning of negativity, consider trying the stones on this list.


152 Positive Affirmations That Work for Women: Unique Phrases

Positive Affirmations That Work for Women

I’m beautiful.

Positive affirmations can be as simple as that. Or they can be longer phrases you repeat.

Depending on what you’re looking to achieve, affirmations can be a good way to inspire yourself.

In this article, you’ll learn how to choose affirmations that work for you. You can then pick from 156 positive affirmations for women. We cover phrases to encourage:

  • Confidence
  • Dreams & Goals
  • Boundaries
  • Body Love
  • Joy
  • Self-Improvement and Growth
  • Mental Health

Read on for your full guide on affirmations for women.


What Is a Positive Affirmation for Women?

A positive affirmation is a short, positive phrase. Affirmation phrases are typically repeated with the goal of it becoming true. For example, someone may repeat “I am at ease” to instill calm and soothe tension.

There are endless affirmations and ways to use them. You can repeat your affirmation out loud, in your head or write it down as many times as you’d like. Some people incorporate affirmations into their daily routine while others only use them situationally, like when they’re nervous.

The idea is that by repeating the words, you’ll make them more likely to happen. Some people attribute this to the law of attraction (manifesting) or another spiritual reason.

What does science say about affirmation though?

Affirmations might help you achieve goals for a few reasons:

  • Placebo Effect. If you think something will happen, it’s more likely to actually happen. This placebo effect phenomenon is so widely known that most reputable studies are controlled using a placebo. In effect, by believing your affirmation could help, it might help.
  • Improve Optimism. Optimism might give you more energy and hope to get through the struggles and onto something greater. Research shows that affirmations can make feel more optimistic and report better physical and mental health.
  • Reticular Activating System. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) in the brain filters what you notice. Affirmations might work with the RAS, helping it to notice opportunities to help you reach your goals. For example, repeating your calm might encourage you to seek out breathing techniques or notice the ad for a local therapy session.

However, not all studies on affirmations find it useful. A lot of research concludes that affirmations can make you feel worse if you really don’t already believe your affirmation.


How to Choose Positive Affirmations that Work

If you want positive affirmations that work, it’s best to choose them carefully.

In a book titles A Liberated Mind, a psychology professor shares his findings that affirmations only work sometimes. If you’re trying to avoid a feeling or you already feel bad, it won’t work. Or, it could make you feel worse.

This is bad news for many us: Affirmations might not work when we need them to most. Still, it’s valuable information to help guide us on what works.

Based on the available research, we can theorize a few tips on choosing positive affirmations that work:

  • Consider staying away from affirmations when you’re feeling bad about yourself
  • Consider staying away from affirmations when you want to avoid feeling your feelings
  • Choose affirmations that you believe and you find inspiring (don’t make it something you think is an unbelievable reach)
  • Consider writing your own affirmations or editing affirmation phrases to tailor them to your beliefs
  • Whenever you use an affirmation, ask yourself: is it making me feel better or worse? If it’s making you feel worse, considering pausing your use of affirmations
  • Experiment with different affirmations to see what makes you feel best
  • Remember that you can always change affirmations as you meet goals


How to Use Positive Affirmations for Women

Once you’ve chosen your positive affirmations for women, how do you use them? Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • Repeat out loud
  • Repeat in your head
  • Write it down in lines
  • Repeat during a meditation
  • Repeat it during a yoga or stretching session
  • If you’re spiritual, write it down and place it in an altar
  • Make a home screen using your phrase and use it for your phone
  • Make a wallpaper using your phrase and use it as your wallpaper
  • Write it on a sticky note and place it on your mirror, fridge, computer, etc.


Positive Affirmations for Women that Work

Positive Affirmations That Work for Women

These positive affirmations for women are aimed to encourage, inspire, motivate to be yourself and everything you can be!

Remember, choose affirmations that feel good about. Feel free to edit phrases so that they resonate with you.


Confidence Affirmations

  1. My voice is needed here
  2. My voice is valued here
  3. It’s safe to speak
  4. Even [women you find super attractive] probably has moments of self-doubt
  5. I am a confident woman
  6. My best is always good enough
  7. I was put on earth for a reason
  8. So why not me?
  9. If [someone you think is an idiot] can do it, I definitely can
  10. If a white man can, so can I
  11. I’m always trying my best
  12. I don’t need to impress everyone
  13. Mistakes are what makes me, and everyone, human
  14. Others benefit from my success
  15. I am accepted here
  16. I accept myself
  17. My best is the next perfect
  18. I accept compliments
  19. I am a powerful woman
  20. I deserve the best life has to offer
  21. I compare myself to myself
  22. The Universe supports me
  23. The Universe wants what’s best for me
  24. I am at home in myself
  25. I have what I need to go through life’s challenges
  26. If I was meant to be someone else, I would be someone else
  27. I’m proud of who I am
  28. I’m not for everyone and everyone isn’t for me
  29. I deserve the best things in life
  30. The Confidence Karen in my head can shut up now
  31. My dog/cat is proud of me
  32. Life is an experiment, so just try it


Dreams & Goals

  1. Of course I can
  2. I can achieve any goal
  3. There’s a reason I have this dream
  4. Unattempted dreams turn into regrets
  5. I won’t know if I don’t try
  6. I see opportunities everywhere
  7. I create opportunities
  8. Life is a laboratory, we’re made to experiment
  9. I am successful
  10. I’m excited to find out where I can contribute most
  11. I find who I need to teach me what I need
  12. Dreams come true every day
  13. Abundance is on its way
  14. My hard work will pay off
  15. Rewards aren’t always immediate
  16. I’m clear in my goals
  17. Good luck will cycle to me soon
  18. Dreams and goals are allowed to change
  19. I’ve achieved goals before, so I can do this

Body Love Affirmations

  1. I’m at peace with my body
  2. I’m beautiful
  3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I happen to be the beholder, so I say I’m beautiful
  4. I love and respect my body
  5. My body is the vehicle for my soul
  6. My body is meant to do amazing things
  7. I don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful
  8. I nourish my body with healthy food
  9. I honor myself in my food choices
  10. I move my body in a way that feels good
  11. I exercise for my mental health first
  12. I love that exercise boosts my energy
  13. Every step forward gets me closer to my goal
  14. I know what’s right for my body
  15. I am responsible for my body
  16. I am grateful my body allows me to [walk, run, stretch, etc.]
  17. I am a strong woman
  18. I respect when my body needs healing
  19. I slow down before my body forces me to
  20. I am gentle on my body
  21. I always choose health over hustle
  22. I recognize when my body needs a break


Boundary Affirmations for Women

  1. Self-love means being respectful of my boundaries
  2. It’s okay to assert my boundaries
  3. I can be both kind and assert my boundaries
  4. Kindness requires boundaries
  5. I know what’s right for me
  6. I help others understand my boundaries
  7. I am respectful of others boundaries, and I deserve respect of my own
  8. I acknowledge when it’s healthy to walk away
  9. I will always choose me
  10. Boundaries are necessary, even when it feels uncomfortable
  11. I make the best decisions for myself
  12. I know when to walk away
  13. “I can’t” requires no explanation
  14. I can edit people’s roles in my life
  15. I can love people from afar
  16. Not everyone I love needs to be in my life
  17. I let the appropriate person take responsibility


Joy Affirmations for Women

  1. I am grateful for the gifts today has to offer
  2. I am grateful to be alive today
  3. Good energy is contagious
  4. I am grateful for all my blessings
  5. I’m excited for the possibilities of today
  6. I see magic everywhere
  7. I create magic everywhere
  8. I choose to focus on the positive
  9. I sprinkle magic over each day
  10. I am overflowing with joy
  11. I’m bursting with good energy
  12. I radiate love
  13. Today is a good day


Self-Improvement and Growth

  1. I follow my intuition
  2. I need to take time for myself
  3. I choose empathy over judgment
  4. I choose curiosity over judgment
  5. I am open to ways I can improve
  6. I’m always improving
  7. I’m not here to be right, I’m here to get it right (Brené Brown)
  8. I am on earth to learn
  9. I take breaks
  10. If I’m still living, I’m still learning
  11. I am growing each day
  12. It’s okay to disagree
  13. I notice ways to improve my corner of the world
  14. I’m grateful for how far I’ve come
  15. I let go of the need to control everything
  16. I am my own savior but no one else’s
  17. I honor my purpose
  18. I hear people out, even when it’s difficult
  19. I use my time wisely
  20. I make people feel seen
  21. I make big impacts with small actions
  22. My work helps other people
  23. My work contributes meaningfully
  24. I am the CEO of my own life
  25. I am humble
  26. I express compassion
  27. I know how to give a good compliment


Mental Health Affirmations

  1. It’s normal to feel fear and move forward anyway
  2. I give myself the time for healing I need
  3. I am okay
  4. I am still
  5. I am resilient
  6. I am safe
  7. I feel my feelings
  8. It’s okay to be negative sometimes
  9. I focus on my breath
  10. If I’m still breathing, I’m still okay
  11. It’s okay to slow down when I need to
  12. I choose to focus on what I can control
  13. I can handle what’s in front of me
  14. With each breathe, I release tension
  15. Even if I take steps back, I’m still moving forward in the big picture
  16. I am where I’m supposed to be
  17. There’s people who can relate to what I’m feeling
  18. It’s okay if my mental health journey looks different from someone else’s
  19. I’m not alone in this feeling
  20. There’s people who can help me with this feeling
  21. I’m alive for a reason
  22. There is always hope, even if I have to find it

Also Read: 33 Life-Changing Positive Affirmations For Anxiety


Positive Affirmations for the Morning

Looking for more quotes to make you feel better about yourself and life itself? Try positive affirmations for the morning! They’re short phrases you can repeat at the start of each day to help make it a little better and brighter!

Read: 99 Morning Affirmations For Happy + Productive Day Ahead


Summary: Positive Affirmations That Work for Women

Positive Affirmations That Work for Women

When searching for positive affirmations that work, pick them carefully. Choose phrases that you believe you can achieve. And only continue using the affirmation if it makes you feel good. If repeating phrases makes you feel bad, consider adapting the phrase. It’s also possible that affirmations might not be right for you.

In this article, we’ve shared a list of positive affirmations for women. Use these to inspire you through the day and encourage your personal power. If a phrase doesn’t feel quite right to you, consider editing it. Remember, affirmations are about feeling good, so there’s no right or wrong.

59 Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and Her

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and Her

Toxic relationship quotes can make you feel less alone and may validate your feelings.

They can also inspire you to leave unhealthy situations so you can heal yourself.

Whatever you’re looking for, you’re sure to find it in this list.

Keep scrolling to read 59 toxic relationship quotes for him and her.


Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and Her

We’ve broken up these quotes into the 3 stages of a toxic relationship: relatable quotes for partners in toxic relationships, quotes for leaving and quotes for moving on.


Relatable Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and Her

These toxic relationship quotes for him and her might be relatable. If they are, it’s a good idea to evaluate the relationship you have with your partner and whether it’s healthy.

When someone forces you to choose between you and them, PICK YOU.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her

Some people can’t love you but they don’t want anyone else to either.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes

If someone is angry at your boundaries, it’s because they plan on pushing them.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes

Some people fake progress so you’ll stay. But they have no intention of actually changing.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes

Learn to say, “Here’s what’s ok. Here’s what’s not ok. Here are the consequences of doing what’s not okay.”

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes

If you hold back because you’re scared how they’ll react, you’re in a toxic relationshipToxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Sometimes we ignore the problems because addressing them means leaving.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Some people accuse you of arguing when you hold them accountable. Still, hold them accountable.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


It’s not enough to say “I love you.” A person must show it.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Repeat behavior is a pattern, not an accident.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Narcissists often accuse others of being ‘sensitive’ to avoid taking responsibility

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


If it doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


If you’re too embarrassed to tell your family about their behavior, it’s time to leave.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


If everything you do is wrong, they’re not right for you.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


If you’re walking on eggshells, it’s because the egg has already broken.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Don’t keep the peace if it causes a war within.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


A relationship shouldn’t make you feel anxious

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


A relationship should make you feel secure

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Sometimes quitting is courageous.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Stop overlooking their faults when they’re quick to point out yours

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


You can’t heal someone for them.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Breadcrumbs are meant to be swept, not eaten.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


You are worth quick replies, compliments and curious questions.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Giving more to a narcissist encourages them to give even less.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


If you have to pick, it’s better to be at peace than in partnership.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


You can’t make someone care about you.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


When it hurts to hold on, let go.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


I’m tired of giving 100% only to receiving 10%

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Stop getting excited about breadcrumbs

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


When they make you feel bad about their behavior, it’s manipulation.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes



Leaving a Toxic Relationship Quotes

These leaving a toxic relationship quotes may be relatable if you’ve recently got out or are in the process.

Remember that part of what makes the relationship so toxic is how difficult it feels to leave. Even though you know you’re making the right decision, it doesn’t mean it’s easy. Try to go easy on yourself during this time. Hold firm in your decision and remember to put yourself first.

If you don’t let go, you can’t meet someone better.

Love is not always healthy. That doesn’t mean you should stay.

Know when to jump off the roller coaster.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


You can’t change him but you can change your relationship with him

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Don’t feel guilty about leaving. Ending toxic bonds helps the other person too.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Toxic people may genuinely love you. But that doesn’t mean they’ll ever change.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Sometimes your heart breaks up with someone before you do.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Life is a story and you can always edit the role characters play in your life.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


It’s okay if this isn’t what you want.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


I love you but I will never stay at my own expense

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Reasons for their behavior aren’t excuses to stay.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Toxic people aren’t always bad people. Sometimes they’re just bad for us.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


If you’re settling, you won’t regret leaving.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


You’re afraid of leaving because you don’t want to be alone. But baby, you already are.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Imagine the possibilities of who you’ll meet when you leave.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Jumping off the roller coaster may cause bruises but it’s better than an endless bumpy ride.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


It’s never too late to end a toxic relationship

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


But how will you find better if you stay?

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Moving On From a Toxic Relationship Quotes

Getting out of a toxic relationship is one thing, but getting over it is another. Just because we know someone is bad for us doesn’t mean we don’t struggle to let them go. Often this push-pull energy can make it even more difficult.

These moving on from a toxic relationship quotes let you know that you’re not alone in missing what you shouldn’t have. And, it gives you hope that you’ll eventually experience what many others have: a sense of freedom after leaving a toxic relationship.

Girl, stop dumpster diving. He’s still garbage.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


This short-term pain is preventing long-term heartaches.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Some of us repetitively open and close doors before we lock them. Just remember to use a tight lock.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


I’m still in love with who you pretended to be.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


You didn’t love them. You loved their illusion.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Sometimes we don’t fall in love with people. We fall in love with how they made us feel.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Stop thinking about what it could have been. You saw what it actually was.Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


If you ever got out of a toxic relationship, congrats. That sht is hard.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


One day, you’ll be so happy you ended it.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Let the door hit you on the way out and boot you into a different universe

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


I know it hurts. But imagine dealing with him forever.

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Toxic relationship breakups are enviable. You’re just getting it over it with!

Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and her narcissist quotes


Summary: Toxic Relationship Quotes for Him and Her

These toxic relationship quotes for him and her will be relatable to those who are currently in, leaving or have already left a toxic partnership. Reading leaving a toxic relationship quotes or moving on from a toxic relationship quotes can let you know that you’re not alone in your feeling.

Toxic relationships are hard to deal with. If things aren’t improving and you can relate to the content here, you may revaluate your relationship. Remember that even if you love a person, it may be unhealthy to be with them. And, you can’t change another person. Sometimes leaving is the best thing to do. Even if it’s also the most difficult.